Electronic Health Record (EHR) divorce rates are on the rise. Although the promise of EHRs is expected to transform healthcare,…
How Not to be a Victim of a Decertified EHR
For the second time, the ONC has stripped an EHR of its certification, leaving any hospitals and providers who were using the…
Survey: Consumerism Demands Improved Healthcare Customer Service
The rise of consumerism in U.S. healthcare has raised expectations for accuracy and effortlessness in customer service, according to a…
Top 6 Practice Management Challenges Facing Physicians
Medical Economics has compiled a list of the top challenges (and solutions) physicians may face in 2015. From that list, here…
What’s Your Meaningful Use Strategy?
There are plenty of physicians who will give anyone who will listen an earful of how technology is disrupting their…
Certified EHR Technology Use Reaches 74% of Physicians
New data published by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology shows high levels of office-based physician…
Oncologists ask Congress to Make Data-Sharing Requirements for EHRs
The American Society for Clinical Oncology Tuesday called on Congress to help improve research and treatment by building upon current…
Hospital Marketing Departments Expand with Focus on Data, Social
The digital transformation in healthcare is having a big effect on hospital marketing departments. Large or small, for-profit or nonprofit,…
The Importance of Choosing the Right EHR
Most family physicians likely have wondered at the end of a particularly frustrating day why certain technologies or systems --…
Training & Usability of Your EHR Makes Huge Difference
Some vendors are receiving mandated government approval for the operability of electronic health record (EHR) products despite a study published…